Dr. Sheng-Ying Pao leads teams in both Asia and the US to create interactive technology and go-to-market strategies, from ideation through execution. She directed strategic partnerships that led to international collaborations, such as
- the development of Advancing Wellbeing Initiative at MIT, together with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), Deloitte, and Bose
- the launch of Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at Harvard University, US $21M collaboration
She has co-founded startup teams, one of which achieved 1500% of its crowd-funding goal and grew into a global business. Pao’s design pallet is distinctive for its convergence of digital, natural, and social engagement. Her projects range from creating new AI platforms for health care to real-world financial planning and future projections, as well as to integrating robotics and sensing technologies to create immersive experiences, ultimately connecting people to one another and rethink about the use of technology and its impact on our health, interactivity, and humanity. Her work has been featured in international shows and museum exhibitions, such as
- The Opening Exhibition of New York New Media Center: Made in NY by IFP, launched by Former NYC Mayor Bloomberg
- Shanghai Interactive Design Experimental Application Show
- South by Southwest (SXSW) Invited Exhibition
- Taipei MRT Danshui Station Public Art
- iF Design Innovation and Exhibition Center Permanent collection
- The Design Museum of Barcelona
- O’Reilly Solid: Hardware, Software, and the Internet of Things
Her creations have won several major awards, including the iF Design Award, commonly known as the Design Oscar. In addition, she was the only woman honored in a documentary series on extraordinary thinkers at MIT. Her TED talk was featured as one of the year’s most intriguing, for its ability to evoke emotion and human connection.
Pao received her PhD from MIT. In addition to the above honors in design and interdisciplinary creativity, she has received various research awards, including
- MIT Cisco Fellow (for two consecutive years)
- MIT Center for Future Banking Fellow
- The SIGGRAPH Research Competition Bronze Medal, awarded by ACM and Microsoft
- The 2015 MIT TechX Innovation Prize
- The 2014 UIST Innovation Contest Finalist
- the first MIT PhD Arts Scholar
- SIGGRAPH Emerging Technology
- IEEE CTS nominated Outstanding Paper Award
Her innovation, integrating AI and design, has been acquired by Bank of America. After that, she led diverse product innovations in a now 130-year-old international business and achieved to launch new products to global markets. She has been invited to serve on the board of various companies, to mentor startups, and to serve as the Principal of a Venture Capital firm, investing in early stage startups focusing on health, happiness, and wellbeing crossing Asia, Boston, and Silicon Valley.
清華大學跨院國際博士班學位學程 專任助理教授
清華大學電資學院資應所 合聘教授
藝術學院學士班 合聘教授
科技管理學院服科所 合聘教授
清華大學載物書院 副執行長
清華大學創業車庫 執行長
麻省理工學院 媒體藝術與科學(MIT Media Lab) 博士
包盛盈博士現任清華大學iPhD國際跨院專任助理教授,同時在清華大學電資學院、藝術學院以及科技管理學院擔任合聘教授。2019年獲選為玉山青年學者。 她是少數受到TED主辦單位邀請演講的女性華人。包盛盈也是首位麻省理工學院獲得MIT Cisco Fellow得主,有史以來只有兩位。更是MIT 第一位博士級的女性藝術學人(MIT Arts Scholar),專長結合科技與藝術。
由於她兼具產業與學術的跨領域背景,包博士的研究及創作曾被谷歌(Google) 、Dropbox、及美國銀行(Bank of America) 等收購成為旗下產品。
– 科技藝術跨域結合
將神經科學、生物科技、機器人感測與藝術結合,包盛盈博士的作品獲邀至紐約新媒體藝術創新中心由前紐約市長彭博剪綵開幕展出、並受邀至西班牙巴賽隆納當代藝術館、杜拜國際電子藝術展、奧地利林茲國際藝術節等展出,科技與藝術領域的國際獲獎無數,獎項包括iF設計獎、德國紅點設計獎、SIGGRAPH& Microsoft Research Award麻省理工學院TechX創新大獎等。
– 為企業打造創新策略
研究成果與產業合作,曾協助創建MIT Center for Future Banking(麻省理工學院未來金融創新中心),並曾獲選為Bank of America Fellow研究及創作曾被谷歌(Google) 、推特(Twitter)、Dropbox、及美國銀行(Bank of America) 等收購成為旗下產品。她帶動產學合作及策略創新,將產品推到國際市場上市,此外,她創立的公司在眾籌平台Kickstarter成功募資1500%。
- 兩千一百萬美元國際合作案成立哈佛大學之Center for Health and Happiness 研究中心及其研究審查。
- 麻省理工學院健康科技研究:與Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF,羅伯特伍德強納森基金會),Deloitte (德勤全球; 勤業眾信), and Bose (博士企業)和MIT合作,成立並擔任MIT Advancing Wellbeing Initiative共同計劃主持人。
- 成立跨國跨三地(美東、矽谷、香港)之創投,推動MIT創業基金、輔導數家公司由MIT內部之學術研究轉型成為成功之Spinoff 新創公司。
- 開啟與奇點大學位於加州NASA總部之合作,成立Global Startup Competition(全球創業競賽),訂定創新策略並審查培育新創團隊數十家。
※Professional Affliations
Monte Jade Science and Technology Association, New England Chapter 玉山科技協會
Board of Directors
2018 Future Finance and Healthcare Hackathon at INFORMS International Conference
Mentor & Judge
2017 MJNE Conference on Internet of Medical Things
2017 Shenzhen-Boston Innovation and Business Plan Contest in Robotics
2017 EPIC Innovation in Healthcare and Management Pitch Competition
MIT Grand Hack 2017 Hacking Medicine (the world’s largest healthcare hackathon)
2017 EITA Business and Management Conference: Emerging Financial Services & Technology
Conference committee
MIT International Graduate Mentorship Program
2016 EITA International Forum on Smart Cities
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE ICCE)
Invited designated reviewer and technical program committee for 2011 – 2013
IEEE International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (IEEE CTS)
Program Committee
Emerging Information and Technology Association
Program Committee
WeMeet Patent Law for Entrepreneurs
Committee; Moderator
IEEE International Conference on Electronics Design, Systems and Applications (IEEE ICEDSA 2012)
Invited designated reviewer and technical program committee
TED handpicked the most inspiring talks about thoughtful gifts and innovative means of connecting, discovering purpose, passion and beauty, as well as performances by amazing duos and the story behind the most romantic movie of all time on its.
“Reimaging Nature, Repurposing Technology” — Sheng-Ying Pao’s talk featured on TEDxBeaconStreet front page.
The jury of 49 international experts evaluated designs entered by participants from 55 countries. In choosing its winners, the iF jury considered criteria such as design quality, finish, choice of materials, degree of innovation, functionality, ergonomics and aspects of universal design, among other items.” Competed with several thousands international commercial entries, Sheng-Ying Pao won 2014 iF Communication Design Award with her independent design project. It has been featured in iF World Design Guide.

“Beyond STEM to STEAM”
Led by Leila Kinney, the executive director of arts initiatives and at MIT, Sheng-Ying Pao gave the closing keynote at Stanford University A2RU Emerging Creatives. In this talk she presented “augmented participatory design,” and “how the arts both enhance interdisciplinary research at the Institute and spawn new directions for inquiry.”
Adobe Creative Thinker
Adobe Systems and University of Oregon OR Media Group produced the documentary series, “Be Original.”
“Be Original” is a series of documentary that profiled creative thinkers.
The documentary features interviews with four MIT scientists, including computational architect Skylar Tibbits, and MIT Media Lab alumna and interactive designer, Sheng-Ying Pao.
Along with Google’s Latitude Doorbell and MIT’s Balance Table, designer and digital strategist Sheng-Ying Pao’s LightByte is featured in Architect Magazine.
Featured on the Front Page of Creators Project by Intel
Creators Project is the largest digital news site featuring creative work in the world. It generated more than 250 million video views and more than 50 million unique visitors.
Distinguished Alum, National Tsing Hua University
Featured on the Web Front Page of National Tsing Hua University